Meet The Team: Daniel Marino

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Daniel Marino, Orthodontic Assistant in Northern New Jersey

I am starting my journey in the orthodontic field by working at Elite Orthodontics in Northern New Jersey. I am a student attending Wayne Hills High School, taking honors classes to better my chances of becoming an orthodontist. In the short time of working here, I have learned more about the dental field and insurance than anyone my age. Also, I am in charge of posting TikToks and reels on our social media platforms, keeping our community in Northern New Jersey and beyond engaged and up-to-date with news about braces and other orthodontic appliances, and can see how we operate. I also enjoy making people laugh with these videos.

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Ready to transform your or your child’s future with a straighter, more beautiful smile? Make an appointment at Elite Orthodontics in Northern New Jersey to start your orthodontic journey!

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